• Generative AI Masterclass

    In this training, you will learn how to leverage Google's new Generative AI platform using the new Google AI Studio and the just released Gemini Pro and Gemini Pro Vision APIs to build the next generation of AI-enabled Applications and powerful chatbots with Angular. The workshop is hands-on and practical, but we also give an overview of all the latest advancements and ideas.

  • Introducing Google Gemini

    In this session, you will learn about Google's Generative AI tools and ecosystem including: Google AI Studio and Gemini chatbot. Google AI Studio is a tool for Developers to build the new wave of Generative AI applications using Gemini foundational models. We will cover a general overview, run some demos using the just released Gemini 1.5 Pro model and answer your questions around the future of AI!

  • The Power of Context: Exploring Google Gemini 1.5

    In this talk, get an exclusive first look at Google's groundbreaking Gemini 1.5 in action! This multimodal language model features a Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture and a revolutionary 1 million token context window, allowing it to understand complex inputs with exceptional depth. We'll explore live demos showcasing how this translates to vastly improved AI assistance for users and its impact on RAG systems.

  • Building a mini-Gemini Chatbot

    In this talk, you will learn how to build a mini-Gemini Chatbot using Google's latest Generative AI using Google AI Studio, Gemini Pro model and Angular. Google AI Studio is a tool to build the new wave of Generative AI applications using Gemini foundational models. We will be introducing the Gemini models to build the foundations of a Gemini Chatbot and explore advanced features like AI Agents, the ability to use tools and call APIs; RAG, or Retrieval Augmented Generation to improve grounding and extend Gemini training data cut off to include external data and more! Google Gemini era is here.

  • Future technology with AI

  • Learn to code with chatGPT

    What if I told you that in just the last 2 years, AIs have learned to write in Shakespeare's style, to write code and even refactor it, and generate any images on the spot? A new generation of AIs is here to change the way we do things. Learn to code with chatGPT by describing the solution and building it step by step.

  • Handling GraphQL Errors

    In this workshop we will create a Fullstack GraphQL app starting from the Server and building our way up to the client! We will cover everything you need to successfully adopt GraphQL across your stack from client to backend including tooling and best practices. You will learn how to build and design a GraphQL Server starting by defining the GraphQL Schema using types and relations. Moving to the client side, we will create a simple client to demonstrate common usage. As we implement the different features we will introduce GraphQL query syntax including queries, mutations, alias, fragments and directives. At this point we will review how client and server communicate, what tooling is available to track usage and improve performance and how to add authorisation and authentication. Finally we will focus on designing real-time features and sharing best practices to improve performance and leverage scalability.

  • OpenAI and the AI that may overtake humans

    This is a talk on the openAI project and how close they are to creating powerful artificial general intelligence. Elon Musk said that "artificial general intelligence is likely to overtake humans in the next five years.". We'll learn about their latest iteration of their powerful language model GPT-3 and some of its incredible applications including text and code generation using their invite-only APIs. GPT3 can generate text in English language but also generate source code in JavaScript, Python or even SQL from natural language!

  • My web3 journey and why communities matter

    I'm here to tell you about Web3 and its potential in the future. We're all creators at heart, aren't we? And the prospect of doing away with intermediary corporations is a very exciting one. I also want to talk about Web3 London, a meetup group I just created where we explore the Web3 universe, bringing people together to share their experiences.

  • Call-For-Papers Workshop

    In this talk, we’ll explore a secret API design pattern: GraphQL directives and how to use them without breaking a sweat. Best of all, you will be able to add new features to your schema without having to change your existing code. A fantastic technique to add to your GraphQL toolset!

  • Ethereum and smarts contracts for JavaScript Devs

    In this talk I will present the state of the art for web3, decentralized architectures and tools. You will learn how simple it is to create your own decentralised app using your current coding skills and JavaScript! Ethereum is also the platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. Join to learn all the potential for Ethereum blockchain!

  • GraphQLs secret superpower

    In this talk, we’ll explore a secret API design pattern: GraphQL directives and how to use them without breaking a sweat. Best of all, you will be able to add new features to your schema without having to change your existing code. A fantastic technique to add to your GraphQL toolset!

  • Deep Learning

  • How GitHub Copilot learned JavaScript

    I mean… where do I even start? As a JavaScript Developer the struggle is real. There's JavaScript fatigue, new releases, new APIs, and the list keeps growing. How is it possible that an AI beat us all to it and has the audacity to come up with code recommendations!? No need to look into stackoverflow, you write a comment with a description and a code snippet is proposed to you. In this talk, I will look into the milestones that allowed openAI, a company in SF founded by Elon Musk, to achieve such incredible results. We will explore together all its capabilities and some of the more technical details like GPT models, transformers, codex, what's the current progress and what we can expect in the future!

  • Unleash Fast&Furious performance with RxJS

    Did you ever notice your laptop going cray-cray after you open a Web Page? Usual suspects are animations, heavy duty framework bootstrap, using setTimeout/setInterval without a Developer license?!? There's certainly a mysterious side of JavaScript that deals with concurrency, asynchronous processing and high performance that can go terribly wrong. In this talk we are going to put the event loop under the microscope and really look at what is happening behind the scenes. Will we cover macro and microtasks? Yep. We are going to roll our sleeves up and use RxJS to deal with concurrency. Instead of creating microtasks we will use RxJS Schedulers elegant abstraction to improve performance without losing control. Let's avoid more CPUs cycles going to waste today!

  • Golden rules of Developer Relations

    In this talk I want to share my personal experience in the last 6 years. Myself I have been very successful as a Master of Ceremonies, public speaker, trainer, blogger and community leader with over 160 talks in 37 countries in 5 continents. I put together a 10-step approach to achieve world-class excellence in Developer Relations using as an inspiration “The Golden rules” book by Bob Bowman, Michael Phelps coach. From the original principles I will draw analogies to similar approaches drawn from professional experience and that I hope will allow you to achieve extraordinary results and help your Developer Relations efforts. I'd love to see you grow and reach your goals applying them. Are you excited? Let’s do this!

  • Offline-first made easy using Angular and PWAs

    Offline-first made easy using Angular and PWAs - the main attractive for PWAs is that they can work offline and be installed as a Desktop or Mobile apps. In this lightning talk, we are going to introduce how to build offline-first using Angular and PWAs. Join us to learn how you can use your Web Apps offline and run natively as Mobile or Desktop apps!

  • Big time PWA using GraphQL and Amplify DataStore

    Offline-first apps need to support: intermittent connectivity, transition seamlessly between online and offline states, reliable CRUD on-device data, data synchronisation and data conflict resolution to enable real-time collaboration. Amplify DataStore is an on device persistent repository for interacting with local data and able to automatically synchronize via GraphQL. Using Amplify DataStore will allow us to implement offline-first while using a simple programming model.

  • Not a basic offline-first app using GraphQL and Amplify DataStore

    Offline-first apps need to support: intermittent connectivity, transition seamlessly between online and offline states, reliable CRUD on-device data, data synchronisation and data conflict resolution to enable real-time collaboration. Amplify DataStore is an on device persistent repository for interacting with local data and able to automatically synchronize via GraphQL. Using Amplify DataStore will allow us to implement offline-first while using a simple programming model.

  • Offline-first made easy with GraphQL and Amplify DataStore

    Offline-first apps need to support: intermittent connectivity, transition seamlessly between online and offline states, reliable CRUD on-device data, data synchronisation and data conflict resolution to enable real-time collaboration. Amplify DataStore is an on device persistent repository for interacting with local data and able to automatically synchronize via GraphQL. Using Amplify DataStore will allow us to implement offline-first while using a simple programming model.

  • Finding a bike in London with AWS Amplify

    Are you visiting London and want a bike to move around? Are you with some friends? No worries. In this talk, we are going to build LNDBikes an app to find in real-time how many bikes are available so you and your friends are good to go and enjoy a great ride. We will be using the Transport for London Unified API to query the data and show it in a map using mapbox GL JS. There are more than 750 docking stations across London with 12K bikes. We will build our client using the latest versions of AWS Amplify, GraphQL and Angular. Awesome!

  • Building a Serverless Geolocation Search API Using GraphQL

    In this talk, we will be using AWS AppSync & Elasticsearch to create a geolocation search service API that will allow users to search within a distance from a given location and display results in a map. We will start designing our schema to introduce the geolocation data, implementing resolvers while discussing best practices and architecture decisions for the presented solution.

  • Finding a bike in London with TfL Unified API and AWS Amplify

    Are you visiting London and want a bike to move around? Are you with some friends? No worries. In this talk, we are going to build LDNBikes an app to find in real-time how many bikes are available so you and your friends are good to go and enjoy a great ride!

  • Killing zombies with ML & Amplify

    In this talk we will demonstrate how easy is to add Machine Learning features to an Angular App using Amplify CLI. Specifically we will focus on a very specific scenario which is fighting zombies and learn what else is possible by using the new predictions in Amplify Framework! Fascinating! =)

  • Ivy Renderer for Dummies

    What is exactly the Ivy Renderer? What features will affect the way we build apps? How can we benefit from this technology? In this presentation I will cover these and other fundamental questions while demonstrating all the features available today!

  • Ivy Renderer for Dummies

    What is exactly the Ivy Renderer? What features will affect the way we build apps? How can we benefit from this technology? In this presentation I will cover these and other fundamental questions while demonstrating all the features available today!

  • Embracing Fullstack Serverless

    Serverless allows us to build and run applications without worrying about provisioning, managing, and scaling infrastructure. This blurs the lines between client and server side. A new paradigm is emerging which some start to describe as Fullstack Serverless.

  • Ivy Renderer for Dummies

    What is exactly the Ivy Renderer? What features will affect the way we build apps? How can we benefit for this technology? In this presentation I will cover these and other fundamental questions while demonstrating all the features available today!

  • Creating high quality communities

    Running a local community is not an easy challenge. Besides focusing on an awesome technology you need to sort out a series of challenges that you may not be familiar with. First you need a venue, then to contact speakers so you can cover interesting topics, and finally bring some sponsors for catering and event recording so attendees can have a great experience and socialise. Where do you start? In this talk AWS Senior Developer Advocate and GraphQL London founder Gerard Sans will share tips, experiences, and what happens behind the scenes of a large GraphQL meet-up so you can use them in your own dev rel work.

  • Fullstack Serverless with AWS Amplify

    We will be introducing AWS Amplify, a modern toolchain, libraries and UI components to build modern Fullstack Serverless Apps. You will be building a fully featured application from development to production.

  • Advanced NgRx (v7+)

    In this talk we are going to uncover some advanced patterns used in ngrx. The Selector Pattern helps us transform any existing data in our State creating infinite possibilities using a generic approach. While looking into different use cases we will also explore Memoization and how to implement custom Selectors. In this talk we are going to use a basic application to showcase the ngrx/store. Finally we will cover more complex scenarios including selectors and implementing custom memoization.

  • Unleashing Angular Schematics (v7+)

    In this talk we are going to explore one of the latest additions to the Angular ecosystem. This is angular schematics! We will explore the technology behind the Angular CLI that allows us to scaffold, build, generate and automate repetitive tasks with a simple command. We will explore the different applications of angular schematics with small examples showing its full power.

  • Mastering Angular Animations (v7+)

    How we can use Animations in Angular. We will cover Web Animations API and how we can use Angular together with field-tested animation techniques providing examples for CSS transitions/animations and SVG. We will also study browser compatibility and performance to achieve reliable and smooth animations. Let's bring our Angular skills to the awesome world of animations!

  • Advanced Testing Recipes (v7+)

    In this talk, we cover the most common testing scenarios to use while developing rock solid Angular Applications, like: Components, Services, Http and Pipes; but also some less covered areas like: Directives, the Router and Observables. We will provide examples for using TestBed, fixtures, async and fakeAsync/tick while recommending best practices.

  • What's new in Angular 7!

    Yes! We are very excited. In this talk we are going to review the main features of the latest and greatest Angular release. We will also go over some cool demos and provide top tips for a successful upgrade.

  • Implementing Motion using Vue

    In this talk we are going to cover some of the 12 principles behind UX Motion giving practical examples. We will focus on these principles while covering some implementation details.

  • Vuex like nobody is looking

    State Management is key to build modern Web Apps

  • GraphQL to the Infinity

    The Apollo team just released the new version of the Apollo Client. There's already a lot of hype around the new architecture using a new modular and flexible approach. In this talk, we are going to put it to test it together with Vue covering inc. queries, mutations and real-time subscriptions. Buckle up!

  • Unlocking the NgRx platform

    During this hands-on day we will cover all ngrx packages (v5) so you can master the whole ngrx platform including: store, effects, router, entity and devtools. You will learn how to integrate the ngrx platform in your current projects following best practices!

  • Understanding the Selector Pattern and Memoization in NgRx

    State Management is key to build modern Web Apps

  • Vuex Modules to the edge

    State Management is key to build modern Web Apps

  • Advanced NgRx

    State Management is key to build modern Web Apps

  • GraphQL to the Infinity

    The Apollo team just released the new version of the Apollo Client. There's already a lot of hype around the new architecture using a new modular and flexible approach. In this talk, we are going to put it to test it together with Vue covering inc. queries, mutations and real-time subscriptions. Buckle up!

  • Vuex

    State Management is key to build modern Web Apps

  • Implementing Motion using Vue

    In this talk we are going to cover some of the 12 principles behind UX Motion giving practical examples. We will focus on these principles while covering some implementation details.

  • Selector Pattern and Memoisation in ngrx v6

    State Management is key to build modern Web Apps

  • Advanced State Management using ngrx v6

    State Management is key to build modern Web Apps

  • NGXS: Redux implemented in 2018

    In this talk, we are going to look into NGXS, a new State Management library released earlier this year. We will introduce its main concepts and cover all the good stuff up to v3.1 release: state/actions life cycle, advanced selectors, snapshots, plugins and more!

  • Implementing Motion using Angular

    In this talk we are going to cover some of the 12 principles behind UX Motion giving practical examples. We will focus on these principles while covering some implementation details.

  • Bending time with Schedulers and RxJS 6

    Observables have been very popular because of their many qualities: asynchronous processing, composition, performance, powerful operators. But usually there's a less covered feature that lies beneath. That is: Schedulers. In this talk we are going to cover Schedulers in depth, going from the basic APIs to more obscure features to bend time to our will!